Central Bank,Social Media Monitoring

twitter.com#FundementalAnalysis From interest rates and employment stats to Central Bank decisions, our mentors have seen a l… https://t.co/vovtryDR4Z
Source: twitter.com |author: Traderinput.com | 741 |19/04/20 12:30
twitter.com@RonStoeferle The entire problem we have is the creation of money should be non for profit. The incentive to loan a… https://t.co/Jco4TxMqiI
Source: twitter.com |author: Demetri Markou | 209 |19/04/20 12:30
Source: twitter.com |author: Todd McKissick? | 1389 |19/04/20 12:30
twitter.comCentral bank swaps then and now: swaps and dollar liquidity in the 1960s https://t.co/3hXLNPZW6i
Source: twitter.com |author: Central Banks | 156 |19/04/20 12:26
twitter.com@MrsMThatcher@jpr007 Someone needs to look up quantitative easing, which amounts to a central bank essentially cre… https://t.co/GSl4mKzR2u
Source: twitter.com |author: Charles Jaekle | 32 |19/04/20 12:26
twitter.com@lemasabachthani The ECB is a Bad Central bank
Source: twitter.com |author: alessio ???? | 472 |19/04/20 12:24
twitter.com@ThebeachedYeti@votesamuelwill1@MirandaSalcido1 The central bank is a good idea. Also, you know money is a differ… https://t.co/zLGqm8eWqK
Source: twitter.com |author: tan can man | 18 |19/04/20 12:17
twitter.comTurkish central bank in close contact with other central banks for swap agreements, strengthening existing ones to… https://t.co/V8LHfb35iL
Source: twitter.com |author: DAILY SABAH | 488260 |19/04/20 12:15
twitter.com@BernieSanders Easy. We had greedy politicians who sold us out to the central bank in 1913. We Americans kept elect… https://t.co/2PALBQXxjS
Source: twitter.com |author: C Gary | 95 |19/04/20 12:12
twitter.comHOPE Central Bank provided this awesome coloring page in our COVID-19 Local Survival Guide. Grab the guide from thi… https://t.co/WnIWeCVlPv
Source: twitter.com |author: Lakes News Shopper | 80 |19/04/20 12:10
twitter.comCoronavirus: #UAEcentral bank tells lenders to use $70 billion stimulus measures https://t.co/exbODMuUre
Source: twitter.com |author: عبدالله المطوع?? | 11899 |19/04/20 12:09
twitter.comIt’s been a long day arguing about the AU. He who pays the piper calls the tune... Time for AU to be funded by our… https://t.co/x9C2kl4EqC
Source: twitter.com |author: Justine Limpitlaw | 5557 |19/04/20 12:08