Central Bank,Social Media Monitoring

twitter.com@bkavoussi The current FED did the same and even more aggressive. The long term damages done by central bank action… https://t.co/PvAVzLendC
Source: twitter.com |author: r0k3 | 7 |05/05/20 11:29
twitter.comGermany issues ‘declaration of war’ against European Central Bank’s £1.9trillion bailout https://t.co/O7MunN9PTP
Source: twitter.com |author: World Opinions فضاء الآراء | 2626 |05/05/20 11:28
twitter.com@InGodIDoTrust Give us toilet paper instead of central bank money! It’s worth more!
Source: twitter.com |author: Michael Schmitt | 5888 |05/05/20 11:27
twitter.com@DavidRMacKinnon@t_chieftan Because for a State and Central Bank there is a limit. Eventually your value decays to… https://t.co/EeEKqoTPEQ
Source: twitter.com |author: ScotFax | 1896 |05/05/20 11:26
twitter.com@markbeunderman de FT zegt: Germany’s constitutional court has ruled the European Central Bank’s vast purchases… https://t.co/VGy72na1By
Source: twitter.com |author: Arend Jan Boekestijn | 46707 |05/05/20 07:02
twitter.comGerman court criticises European Central Bank crisis bond-buying. France surrenders.
Source: twitter.com |author: France World News | 469 |05/05/20 07:00
twitter.comI’m so annoyed lol. These German complainants are basically arguing against the German central bank buying its own… https://t.co/JdZ7rNJxqi
Source: twitter.com |author: Musings on History | 1193 |05/05/20 07:00
twitter.com@Reuters We suffer damage from a mistake by the central bank for mis-issuing money. The Covid-19 pandemic is a very… https://t.co/Nz5DwfL4zX
Source: twitter.com |author: Ivan Mitev | 0 |05/05/20 06:59
twitter.comGerman top court criticises European Central Bank crisis bond-buying https://t.co/3GWaLHzQ2f
Source: twitter.com |author: #Rapture savage # | 413 |05/05/20 06:59
twitter.comUAE Central Bank hosts its 4th Board of Directors Meeting for 2020 https://t.co/4VNl9mLJsVhttps://t.co/WeRbHjHX7m
Source: twitter.com |author: UAE News | 184333 |05/05/20 06:58
twitter.com'We continuously re-assess our strategic objectives to align with government’s agenda': Central Bank Chairman… https://t.co/aa2kybJJgU
Source: twitter.com |author: UAE News | 184333 |05/05/20 06:58
twitter.comGerman court criticises European Central Bank crisis bond-buying https://t.co/9g2j8sfoXz
Source: twitter.com |author: Franklin Scruggins | 279 |05/05/20 06:58