Banks in Murray County, MN

  • Currie State Bank
    141 Mill Street
    Currie State Bank is a commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC. The bank was established in 1931....
  • State Bank of Chandler State Bank Of ChandlerMinnesota
    Fourth And Main
    The State Bank of Chandler is a strong supporter of community organizations, businesses and events in the local area. Local ownership and management allows the bank to provide customers with a full-service, modern banking environment The first building used was...
  • Minnwest Bank South Lake Wilson BranchMinnesota
    Broadway And Minnesota Avenue
    Lake Wilson
    Since its beginning, Minnwest Bank has been dedicated to community involvement. While Minnwest Bank was officially founded in 1987, some of the branches have over 125 years of helping the people and business owners of southwest Minnesota build their dreams....