Breda Savings Bank, Financial Information

AboutBreda Savings Bank

105 Main Street
Carroll County,Iowa
Jan 1890
 Number of domestic offices:
Agriculture bank
Total assets$69M
Net income$1M
Net income,quarterly$0M
Total deposits$49M
Domestic deposits$49M
Equity capital$7M
UpdatedMay 20, 2021

Terms and Definitions

  • Domestic deposits
    The sum of all domestic deposits, including demand deposits, money market deposits and time deposits.
  • Equity capital
    Total equity capital (includes preferred and common stock, surplus and undivided profits).
  • ROA
    Return on assets, net income after taxes and extraordinary items (annualized) as a percent of average total assets.
  • ROE
    Return on equity, annualized net income as a percent of average equity on a consolidated basis.

Bank of Breda of Frazier and Frazier originated August 4, 1890. The bank had its first depositor the following day and one month later the bank had ten depositors. Records indicate the bank was paying 8% interest on Time Certificates in September of 1896. The bank was incorporated on January 17, 1906, and the name changed to Breda Savings Bank.

The original brick building was on the corner next to where the bank now stands. Plans were made to erect a new building and in 1922 the building was moved to its present site so the new edifice would be on the original site. With the advent of depression years, which was considered the most critical period in banking history because several banks failed during that period, those plans were dropped.

Breda Savings Bank will offer you a broad range of banking products. The BSB staff will continue to develop the product options to serve your financial service needs and support the local community.