The original meeting of the stockholders of the proposed Brown County State Bank was held Wednesday, July 31, 1901, at the bank of Bloomfield, Skiles and Co. in Mt. Sterling. Brown County State Bank came through the Great Depression in excellent condition and was authorzied to reopen during the banking holidays of 1933 within three weeks. All depositors received 100% of their deposits when called for, without any type of temporary waiver or waiting period.
Many things have changed since Brown County State Bank was founded in 1901. In the early days, accounts were maintained on handwritten ledgers and all calculations were done manually. Over the years, mechanical adding machines and posting machines were developed to reduce the drudgery of manual process. Today, computer technology allows bank employees to process more tranactions and provide a much larger variety of products and services than bankers in 1901 would have dreamed possible. The one thing that has not changed in the 100 years, however, is the banks commitment to serving the financial needs of Brown County and the surrounding area.
Brown County State Bank
101 East Main Street
P.O. Box 32
Mt. Sterling, IL 62353
Phone: (217) 773-3327
Fax: (217) 773-2241
Golden State Bank
321 Quincy Street
(217) 696-4423