Fulton State Bank, Financial Information

AboutFulton State Bank

221 North Main Avenue
Hanson County,South Dakota
Aug 1924
 Number of domestic offices:
Agriculture bank
Total assets$58M
Net income$0M
Net income,quarterly$0M
Total deposits$51M
Domestic deposits$51M
Equity capital$6M
UpdatedApr 11, 2013

Terms and Definitions

  • Domestic deposits
    The sum of all domestic deposits, including demand deposits, money market deposits and time deposits.
  • Equity capital
    Total equity capital (includes preferred and common stock, surplus and undivided profits).
  • ROA
    Return on assets, net income after taxes and extraordinary items (annualized) as a percent of average total assets.
  • ROE
    Return on equity, annualized net income as a percent of average equity on a consolidated basis.

The Fulton State Bank is a locally owned and managed bank committed to providing quality financial services that banks customers expect and deserve.

The Fulton Bank is still located in its original building which was remodeled in 1974-75. In order to diversity the bank's portfolio and meet the needs of its existing customer, the bank board decided to expand to Mitchell in 1994. The Fulton Bank building in Mitchell was expanded to add eight more offices in 2004.

The branch bank in Mitchell is the offspring of the deep roots that were established in Fulton since 1924. The presidents of the Fulton Bank have been as follows: Herman Blumenberg, 1924-1933; F.L. Colfix, 1933-1940; Arnum Blumenberg, 1940-1966; Martin Blumenberg, 1966-1972; Mrs. Julius (Effie) Bertsch, 1973-1985; Wayne Slade, 1986-1994; Rod Wolforth, 1994-1999; and Fred Smith, 2004-present. Martin and Arnum Blumenberg were sons of Herman Blumenberg. Julius Bertsch never served as president but was the cashier of the bank from 1924-1962. The cashier of the Fulton State Bank ran the day to day operations of the bank until 1985 while the presidents were among the main stockholders.

The Fulton State Bank withstood the Great Depression and several droughts because of small town banking and local decision making. This philosophy continues in the branch in Mitchell. The bank has been active in supporting school and community projects in the Mitchell and Fulton areas.

Fulton Office
P.O Box 77
Fulton, South Dakota 57340-0077
Fax 605.996.9653


Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00
Saturday 8:30-12:00

Mitchell Office
P.O. Box 560
Mitchell, South Dakota 57301-0560
Fax 605.996.4466


Monday -Friday 8:30-5:00
Saturday 8:30-12:00


Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 Friday 8:00-6:00
Saturday 8:00-12:00