Granite Savings Bank, Financial Information

About Granite Savings Bank

247 Main Street
Rockport, MA
, Massachusetts
Mar 1884
 Number of domestic offices:
Total assets$73M
Net income$0M
Net income, quarterly$0M
Total deposits$59M
Domestic deposits$59M
Equity capital$10M
ROAQ, quarterly-0.08%
ROA, pretax-0.08%
ROAQ, quarterly, pretax-0.11%
ROEQ, quarterly-0.61%
UpdatedApr 11, 2013

Terms and Definitions

  • Domestic deposits
    The sum of all domestic deposits, including demand deposits, money market deposits and time deposits.
  • Equity capital
    Total equity capital (includes preferred and common stock, surplus and undivided profits).
  • ROA
    Return on assets, net income after taxes and extraordinary items (annualized) as a percent of average total assets.
  • ROE
    Return on equity, annualized net income as a percent of average equity on a consolidated basis.