The Bank of Grain Valley, Financial Information

AboutThe Bank of Grain Valley

500 Main Street
Grain Valley,MO
Jackson County,Missouri
May 1905
 Number of domestic offices:
Total assets$101M
Net income$2M
Net income,quarterly$0M
Total deposits$80M
Domestic deposits$80M
Equity capital$21M
UpdatedMay 20, 2021

Terms and Definitions

  • Domestic deposits
    The sum of all domestic deposits, including demand deposits, money market deposits and time deposits.
  • Equity capital
    Total equity capital (includes preferred and common stock, surplus and undivided profits).
  • ROA
    Return on assets, net income after taxes and extraordinary items (annualized) as a percent of average total assets.
  • ROE
    Return on equity, annualized net income as a percent of average equity on a consolidated basis.

The Bank of Grain Valley is a commercial bank, state charter and Fed nonmember, supervised by the FDIC. Founded in 1905, Bank of Grain Valley is a full-service community bank that provides a range of financial products and services to residents and small businesses. It offers certificates of deposit and savings, checking and individual retirement accounts.

Additionally, the bank provides debit and credit cards, ATMs, money market accounts and saving bonds, as well as wire transfer services. Its online services include personal e-mail accounts, account statements, and bill payments and transfers.

The bank offers overdraft protection, direct deposit, money order, trust administration, night depository and notary services. Additionally, Bank of Grain Valley offers automobile, personal, home improvement, equipment, real estate and mortgage loans.

500 S Main St, Grain Valley, MO 64029
+1 816-229-2000