Top Banks in Lowell

Santander Bank inLowellSantander Bank
branches inLowell:4
total assets: $89,502M
net income: $-1,772M
Enterprise Bank and Trust Company inLowellEnterprise Bank and Trust Company
branches inLowell:3
total assets: $4,014M
net income: $33M
TD Bank inLowellTD Bank
branches inLowell:3
total assets: $401,512M
net income: $1,338M
The Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank inLowellThe Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank
branches inLowell:2
total assets: $1,427M
net income: $7M
Eastern Bank inLowellEastern Bank
branches inLowell:2
total assets: $15,953M
net income: $102M
Bank of America inLowellBank of America
branches inLowell:2
total assets: $2,258,832M
net income: $14,298M
Washington Savings Bank inLowellWashington Savings Bank
branches inLowell:1
total assets: $255M
net income: $1M
People's United Bank inLowellPeople's United Bank
branches inLowell:1
total assets: $63,216M
net income: $594M