YNB, Social Media Monitoring

twitter.com Can @YNB guest star on @TheNeighborhood next season so I can see her reunite with @mrmarcelspears ??
Source: twitter.com | author: Melanie Garcia ??? | 1179 | 07/05/20 15:54
twitter.com@YNB@realDonaldTrump@VP Caring, compassion, and empathy never earned them money, so therefore, they don't see the value in them. ??
Source: twitter.com | author: Linda Fink | 129 | 07/05/20 15:53
twitter.com@YNB@Rebecca81630070@naima This. Should have seen the heat I took for giving Shaun shit in 2016. He helped elect Trump. Make no mistake.
Source: twitter.com | author: Lisa Ann Walter | 21003 | 07/05/20 15:51
Source: twitter.com | author: Steve Wilson | 27146 | 07/05/20 15:50
twitter.com@shannonrwatts@YNB What in the actual f*ck???
Source: twitter.com | author: Laurie Ankoma | 180 | 07/05/20 15:49
twitter.com@soledadobrien@YNB Girl, you'd look good even if you went full chola https://t.co/0eS1Lhf0tv
Source: twitter.com | author: GimmeDatHemi! | 3 | 07/05/20 15:48
twitter.com@ginaBoom1yes@YNB@realDonaldTrump@VP The testing should be available to everybody full stop .
Source: twitter.com | author: Wendy Mcintyre | 24 | 07/05/20 15:48
twitter.com@YNB the governor of Florida, too. Meanwhile the state hasn’t paid #unemploymentbenefits to over a million people h… https://t.co/n0i6I4EsVa
Source: twitter.com | author: me | 13 | 07/05/20 15:46
twitter.com@maxnc@YNB@CaslerNoel@tommychong Some of us NEVER followed him, because we knew the ratings-slavering media woul… https://t.co/1iQizci7i8
Source: twitter.com | author: M R B | 1321 | 07/05/20 15:46
Source: twitter.com | author: M R B | 1321 | 07/05/20 15:45
twitter.com@maxnc@YNB@CaslerNoel@tommychong 100s of thousands of his 'followers' are bots & trolls Was waiting in a dentist… https://t.co/RECG0w9LWU
Source: twitter.com | author: ? ☙ Helena Handbasket ⛼ ? ? | 152 | 07/05/20 15:44
twitter.com@soledadobrien@YNB You were always lovely on tv & still are via iPhone.
Source: twitter.com | author: Barbara C. Kirby | 11 | 07/05/20 15:40