T Bank,Social Media Monitoring

twitter.comIf Exxon's Profits Are Falling ! What Does That Tell You About All Those Oil Stocks With Less Capital ? High Divide… https://t.co/ifcB6hHpYd
Source: twitter.com |author: Robert O'Neil | 7541 |07/05/20 01:05
twitter.com@ABCWorldNews@DavidMuir Trump is doing the best he can do.I really think he didn't realize how big and ugly the De… https://t.co/r0y7WBUfGs
Source: twitter.com |author: Mary clouse | 1 |07/05/20 00:05
twitter.com@mysneakerheads Didn’t think I was going to make it out the M&T bank alive that night. We was on one and my wife was wildin out
Source: twitter.com |author: T.S | 432 |06/05/20 23:51
twitter.comI play chess -playing now for keeps- I don't bank on brilliant flowers I listen closely as you sleep I hear the hor… https://t.co/gQUGzznOr4
Source: twitter.com |author: Indigenous Soul | 16527 |06/05/20 23:36
twitter.com@TheReelAP Good morning run to noon IMO. Don’t bank on it. Most action may be premarket: watch it closely and plan on exit.
Source: twitter.com |author: King Esver | 211 |06/05/20 23:12
twitter.com@Critbuff That's when I just grab one and donut myself. I know when that happens. Stick him with the 15. Oh well, can't bank sorry
Source: twitter.com |author: SHIZZLER GAMING | 1978 |06/05/20 22:57
twitter.com@TomFitton@GenFlynn@realDonaldTrump@LarsLarsonShow@JudicialWatch I wouldn't bank on it. But I do hope I'm wrong
Source: twitter.com |author: TheAmerican | 6 |06/05/20 21:47
twitter.com@knoxnews Don’t bank on it. If @GovBillLee had held off reopening and we had States coordinations in policies maybe… https://t.co/CurkxUmV1Z
Source: twitter.com |author: Clark King | 87 |06/05/20 21:43
twitter.com@jasemurphy@MattCowgill "can't bank percentages"
Source: twitter.com |author: Matt Time | 422 |06/05/20 21:38
twitter.com@PaineTruth I was demonstrating my night vision camera to some family members two summers ago, while waiting for th… https://t.co/gK8jbRGqrs
Source: twitter.com |author: Mac | 95 |06/05/20 21:36
twitter.com@Chase@ellengalinsky I tell them don’t bank with Chase and show them my newly closed business checking account sta… https://t.co/kNFrhs22Ad
Source: twitter.com |author: Time&3Quarters | 2 |06/05/20 21:26
twitter.com@jezzeralexander@redsarah99 Wouldn't bank on it. Same with the Trumpanzees. They probably realised this a long tim… https://t.co/Wk4YaU0NnT
Source: twitter.com |author: Harry Whitehead | 177 |06/05/20 21:05